Advocacy & Service
Barbara Bunch
The Barbara Bunch pairs UD students with children from the local Barbara Cardwell 每周一次的一对一辅导. There's no need to teach academic materials; these kids need someone to talk to and look up to. Contact Grace Stepek ( for more info!
Crusaders for Life
CFL成员是反堕胎的学生领袖,他们相信人的生命始于受孕 上帝创造每个人都有不可剥夺的生命权. We strive to educate 我们自己和我们的社区,通过和平抗议和政治活动倡导生命 社会行动主义,支持志同道合的组织. If you want to join or 了解更多关于我们的信息,请云顶集团的总裁Martha Depew (, or email the club directly (
The Dallas Refugee Project
The Dallas Refugee Project is a student-run 501(c)3 non-profit focused on serving 达拉斯难民与同情,理解和尊重. Currently, the DRP focuses 关于其辅导计划,由大学生设计的初高中难民 students in Dallas. 通过与国际救援委员会的合作 (one of the 9 State-Department-approved resettlement agencies), the Dallas Refugee 项目在达拉斯北部有一间教室! Email 有关如何加入的更多细节和信息!
Groundhog Library
The Groundhog Library collects textbooks and Core books by donation to supply them 给不能买书的学生. 土拨鼠图书馆随时接受捐款 并在布拉尼夫图书馆全年开放. Contact Jacob Rombs for more information at
The Hephaistos Society
赫菲斯托斯协会提倡虚拟世界中的美德. Through activities, lectures, and collaboration with organizations and departments on campus, Hephaistos Society 将寻求教育和鼓励学生正确管理技术 减少对智能手机和社交媒体的依赖. Please contact Larisa Tuttle ( for more information.
MindMatters is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and removing the stigma associated with it. 它还验证了个人经验,并提供同伴 support. Please contact to join.
Mission Youth
Mission Youth inculcates an authentic Catholic missionary spirit among the student body through monthly charity and evangelization missions to the homeless people of 大达拉斯地区和小团体形成活动准备 same. 如欲查询更多资料,请联络Sharbel Habchy (
扶轮青年服务团是一个以服务为导向,致力于改善的年轻专业人士的联盟 我们的社区和发展领导技能,通过学生主导的服务项目. 如果您有兴趣加入,请发电子邮件
种族团结学生领袖是一个由学生领导的组织,致力于倡导 为彼此相爱,心里悔改. Students are encouraged 加入,因为这是一个很好的方式,以满足其他学生在校园和庆祝 each other. 如欲加入,请与伊鲁兰·帕尔马主席联系 or 并在Instagram @slrs_ud上关注我们.
Xenia Society
The Xenia Society is an umbrella organization designed to cultivate the UD women’s community. Inspired by the Greek virtue of Xenia (guest-friendship), our goal is to 在女性的生活中创造一个思想开放、心胸开阔的环境 on UD’s campus. 通过提供每月的教育讲座,每月的社交聚会, and various student-led affinity groups (workout groups, book clubs, etc.), we give the women of UD an opportunity to reach out, connect with those they had not known previously, grow deeper in friendship with those they already know, and learn more about how to become the best version of themselves—both for their own sake and the sake of those around them. All women of UD are welcome! To join the email list, ask 如有任何问题,或了解更多详情,请联络菲丽丝·拉加德(
Young Conservatives of Texas
Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) is a non-partisan student organization that has advocated for conservative social and fiscal policies in Texas and beyond for more than 40 years. On campus, our YCT chapter promotes civil discourse by hosting lectures and debates on public policy, political philosophy, and the intersection of Faith and public life. Contact Porter Schmidt ( to join.
Creative Arts & Humanities
Alexander Hamilton Society
我们邀请杰出的外交政策学者和实践者到校园进行讨论 and debates on the most pressing issues of the day and host a bi-weekly book club 我们在哪里讨论与外交政策有关的重要工作. To get involved, email us at
The Anscombe Society
The Anscombe Society, named after the Catholic philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe, is a chapter of the Love & 并讨论了人类的美和目的 性,婚姻和家庭. 我们的使命是帮助丰富校园对话 on these matters by providing an alternative voice in support of chastity and the 围绕它的性规范,婚姻是一个男人和一个女人的终身结合, 以及稳定完整的家庭在社会中的独特作用. We aim to foster civil 和真诚的讨论,为同龄人的智力和个人发展做出贡献. Contact Niko Walz ( for more info.
Art Village Association
UDAVA结合了对工作室艺术和画廊历史的热爱、欣赏和研究 云顶集团4008om,示范,讨论,销售,和动手活动的学生 all art levels and interests. 你不必是艺术系的学生 to be a member; just bring your enthusiasm! To join, contact Edy Harold at or
Classics Club
古典语言俱乐部是为所有对古典语言和古代语言感兴趣的学生开设的 world. Join us for discussions and activities related to classical history and language! 如需更多资料,请联络Kathleen Flynn (
Philosophy Club
哲学俱乐部每两个月举行一次会议,听取特拉华大学和客座教授的讲座 并在学生中引发讨论,话题从注意力到 哲学史,哲学如何影响你的日常生活. Contact Ryan Connor 欲了解更多信息,请访问
Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta is an international English Honors Society dedicated to fostering literacy and all aspects of the English language within colleges and universities. 特拉华大学的Alpha Sigma Pi分会特别致力于培养强烈的爱情 for English literature on campus through poetry readings and literary events. To get involved, contact Claire Seelig (
The Thomistic Institute
托马斯学院的分会由学生组成和管理,以带来顶尖的基督徒 使天主教的知识分子传统充满活力 present on contemporary campuses. 加入我们每月的讨论之夜,由你的 最喜欢的UD教师和TI官方演讲者的讲座! Contact to get involved!
Thomas More Society
学生们可以通过每月的活动、网络和活动来学习更多关于成为律师的知识 LSAT考试在St. Thomas More. For more information, please contact Kira Freid at
Tocqueville Society
托克维尔社团是云顶集团校际分会 Studies Institute (ISI). 这个俱乐部是志同道合的学生组成的社团 喜欢谈论从历史和政治到哲学和神学的话题. 我们还举办专题讨论会和教师和学生辩论. Please contact Porter Schmidt ( if you are interested in joining.
Writer's Guild
你想分享一篇小说、短篇故事或诗歌吗? Maybe not yet, but you'd like to try? Join UD's Writers Guild to unlock your muse with other amateur writers! Contact Club President Cecilia Andrews ( for more info. Write on!
American Sign Language Club
美国手语俱乐部传播对美国手语的欣赏 云顶集团社区的聋人文化. For more information, please contact Sarah Rondeau (
Asian Student Association
这个俱乐部对亚洲学生来说是一个安全的空间,也是一个教别人的组织 亚洲许多不同的文化. 当然,你不一定非得是亚洲人才能参与其中 of the club. Contact Mary Anne Panganiban ( to join!
French Club
法语俱乐部旨在提高人们对法语的认识和欣赏 并帮助学生学习或掌握法语. If you are interested or want more information, please contact Luis Esparza (
German Club
Guten Tag! 德国俱乐部庆祝德国语言和文化. The club hosts 讨论练习,诗歌朗诵,制作面包等等! German students and 也欢迎非德国学生. 和我们一起欣赏和学习 German tradition! Please contact Edy Harold ( for more information and to join.
Italian Club
加入其他学生的谈话时间,校外旅行,以及相关的云顶集团4008om 意大利的文化、历史、艺术和语言. Please contact for more info.
Spanish Club
西班牙俱乐部提供各种活动来庆祝西班牙语的美丽和多样性 拉丁美洲文化和西班牙语. We recognize the diversity of students at UD and invite the community to share traditions, holidays, music, and more! We also aim to provide exposure to the vibrant Spanish/Latin American cultural events the DFW area offers. 请考虑通过电子邮件劳拉格雷斯加入我们的俱乐部 Geddie at or All are welcome!
Co-Workers of the Vineyard
葡萄园同工是一个以信仰为基础的俱乐部,旨在培养真正的精神 校园对话通过讨论和分享个人见证来帮助 prepare students to live their Catholic Faith in the world outside of UD. Co-Wo also seeks to build the Body of Christ in DFW by attending Catholic young adult events throughout the Metroplex. Contact JD Self ( for more information.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
东正教团契(OCF)是官方的大学校园事工项目 under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. Our mission is to be the loving presence of the Orthodox Christian church on UD's 校园,同时促进会员的精神形成. We host activities at UD 并为我们的会员提供参与地区、州和全国的机会 events. 欢迎所有学生参加! Contact Anya Van Arnam for more information at
Society of St. Joseph
The Society of St. 约瑟夫试图在其队伍中培养真正的基督教价值观, a sincere devotion to St. 约瑟和他作为男人和父亲的榜样,还有 practice of the Cardinal Virtues through a system of brotherly accountability and friendship. For more information or to join, please contact Zachary Schierl (
Hobbies & Special Interests
Bridge Club
Bridge Club teaches students the game of contract bridge and hosts weekly meetings for social games. No experience is necessary. 联系Lauren Engelthaler了解更多信息 information at
Cinema Connoisseurs Club
加入电影鉴赏家的电影之夜! 我们培育一个促进 deep discussions, contemplations, and pure enjoyment of films as an art form. Share 你的电影建议,并期待体验一些伟大的电影,小吃,和谈话! Contact Francesca Pennell at
Dungeons and Dragons
而我们主要关注的是《云顶集团4008om》 & 龙和其他桌面角色扮演游戏, we also host other events, such as movie nights and video game tournaments. Contact Benedict Anderson at or!
Life & Physical Sciences, Mathematics
American Society for Microbiology
ASM是一个由在探索微生物学方面有相似兴趣的学生组成的组织. ASM hosts various events to help its members pursue careers in biological sciences. 如有兴趣,请联络Noah Ziskrout (
Association of Computing Machinery
ACM举办与计算机科学相关的活动,如编程团队、黑客马拉松、 tutorials, tech speakers, and more. ACM也对其他计算机科学开放 比如网页和游戏开发. Contact Tanish Garg ( or to join.
Beta Beta Beta
Tri-Beta (Beta Beta Beta)是全国公认的学生荣誉社团 本科生,致力于提高他们对世界的理解和欣赏 生物学/生物化学的研究通过扩展人类知识的边界 scientific research. 我们有有趣的社交活动,嘉宾演讲,讨论小组, and community service events. Contact Laura Grace Geddie at to get involved.
Math Club
数学俱乐部是一群发现数学有趣并想要分享数学乐趣的人 with others. We have weekly meetings to discuss your favorite formulas, solutions, sequences, and more. 即使你不喜欢数学,我们也可以让它变得有趣! Contact Lauren Engelthaler at or to join!
Pre-Health Society
学前健康协会经常开会,帮助学生学习不同的医学院 应用程序,将当前学生与校友医疗专业人员和接待社区联系起来 activities. 更多信息请联系Laura Grace Geddie
如果你是一名对化学感兴趣的理科生,喜欢免费披萨,那么SMACS是你的最佳选择 perfect club. We host social and educational events to learn about careers in science, 获得研究机会等等. 如有兴趣,请发邮件给埃德加·德·卢纳 Gomez ( to be added to the email list.
Society of Physics Students
Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a nationwide organization that seeks to unite 对物理感兴趣的学生,无论主修什么专业,都能进入单一的、人脉广泛的领域 community. It also fosters connections between physics students and students of other sciences and the humanities. 欲了解更多信息,请联系布里奇特·休斯
Women in STEM
Women in STEM is a society for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math 谁喜欢聊天、饼干和咖啡. 我们邀请来自不同领域的女性演讲者 STEM fields to teach us more about their careers, and we focus on support through community and conversation. To join, contact Claire Reed at
Sports & Recreation
Blue Crew
特拉华大学的校风来自于蓝队的高歌. We attend all games, cheering 我们的同学为荣誉而战. Contact Ryan Connor ( to join.
Irish Dance
Come to the Irish Dance Club. 不管你是经验丰富的步进者还是没有 爱尔兰血统,我们欢迎你. 为我们的表演学习集体舞,或者只是 come for a weekly workout. Email Marie Glenn at for more information.
Martial Arts Club
武术俱乐部使武术更容易接触到一般学生群体. We practice various arts, including Taekwondo, boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, and wrestling. Our goal is to work hard and learn a bit about the various philosophies of each art. Contact Vinh Nguyen ( to join!
橄榄球是特拉华大学一项受欢迎的男子俱乐部运动. 我们经常见面练习,混战, and games. Men can join the rugby team by tryout and should contact Noah Schroeder at if interested.
Spikeball Club meets frequently to learn the techniques and game of Spikeball. All materials are provided for students, and all skill levels are welcome. Contact Peter Key ( to join.
Swing Club
每周三晚上8-10:30在Haggar门厅加入UD Swing.m. for great music, swing lessons, social dancing, and the opportunity to meet new people! Regardless 欢迎大家参加舞蹈体验. Contact Nico Walz ( if you have any questions.
Swing Team
Swing Team is for those who wish to develop their swing dance skills further than Swing Club allows. 通过练习空中,步法,和编排的套路,挥杆 团队成员准备在全年的活动中表演. For more information, contact Nico Walz (
Tap Club
The Tap Club meets weekly to practice the skills of tap and dance routines. All are welcome to try something new. 学校不为学生提供踢踏鞋. Contact Mary Hanson for more information at
Venture Crew
Venture Crew将喜欢户外活动、结识新朋友的学生聚集在一起, and exploring the wilderness. To join, contact Siyu Yang at
UD Fitness
特拉华大学健身是一个由学生组成的社区,致力于学习和完善锻炼技术. 我们的社区是开放的,欢迎所有技能水平的人. If you want to join a community of motivated gym go-ers, the UD Fitness Club is for you. Contact Liam Hamway at for more info or to join.
UD Ultimate
极限飞盘队是一个男女混合的俱乐部运动,每周聚会两次练习 and scrimmages. Students of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join anytime! 更多信息请联系布里奇特·休斯
Advocacy & Service
Interested in joining one of these clubs, but need their contact info? Just ask to be connected!
不要看到一个你认为应该成为UD社区一部分的俱乐部? Email Corinne Russell at to get started!